
Thursday, 8 April 2021

Trilogy News

Well...this week I wrote the provisional last words for the final book in my dystopian horror fantasy trilogy! I say provisional, as now starts the editing and all that malarkey, before passing it to my brother to proof read. Looking back I think I started the first book in Spring 2016, so it has taken five years to get here. Once all the books are polished off, I will look for someone to publish it all.

After this, I think I will write a novella, as I have mentioned in my last post, something quick and light.

But now it is all about the trilogy...

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Langfield by Paul McAvoy

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Happy New Year

So... I just thought I would say hi, as it has been a while since I have updated this site. I have been busy in that time, with book 3 of my dystopian dark fantasy trilogy and it is coming along fine. I have written around 33,000 words and hope to finish the first draft by Spring. Then it will be a case of going through it and editing where it is needed, plus the proof-reading stage (cheers John). And when all the books are complete it will be a case of figuring out what to do with it all! 

I also have an idea of a novella, which I am looking forward to doing, as it will only be short compared to the trilogy. I may do the first draft of the novel before editing book 3 of the trilogy, I don't know yet. But I have the full novella finished in my head and in some note form.

Happy New Year to all those people who take time to read my books, it is appreciated. 2020 was tough year and most of us suffered personal tragedies with Covid and other nasty things. 

I hope you all keep safe and well.

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