
Thursday, 16 September 2010

Pandora Unleashed

New short horror story Pandora now published at Midnight In Hell On Line Issue 4.2. Go check it out... here ...

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Story News

Short Story, Pandora, is to be published in Midnight in Hell on-line this Autumn...

Been a while since I wrote much short fiction. The children's novel is nearly finished, just a chapter or two. The finished children's novel is still doing the rounds...

Saturday, 27 March 2010

It seems to have been all about the short story this week. First of all I uploaded The Last Door Down the Hall to this site, here's quick link - Then this week I sent a short story that had been festering on my hard drive to an editor... and then I finished a short story I first began in the middle of last year. It needs a few re-writes, but I am quite pleased with it...

So it has been short stories all the way. This new one - which is called 'Pandora' at the moment, but I am not sure about that, will get a few re-writes this week and I will see if I am happy with it. There might be a few new stories out this this year from me, then, which will be nice, as I have not been doing many of late!

Saturday, 20 March 2010

With Chapter 13 all done and dusted, this week I started thinking 'Short Story!' This may be because I don't really know how to approach Chapter 14 yet, but it has been good to go back to the short tale of terror... I have decided to upload a few of my older stories to the web site and am starting with the 2000 Kimota tale The Last Door Down the Hall. My reason is that they are mostly out of print now and it will be nice to give them a new lease of life... virgin blood to a dying vampire, perhaps? These will be accessed via the 'About Me' page, but initial links will be placed here. So you can go to 'Last Door' by clicking here.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Well... a week has passed and here I am updating as said. Tried very heard to put paid to chapter 13 of the new book, but it has been tough going - and not very lucky, one might say! I feel like this is the last bit of the hill to climb and once it is over with the end will be in sight and it will be plane sailing from there on...

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Gowd, I really must keep this up to date. Right - I shall aim to update it once a week, see how I go on... Anyway, not much happening regarding published works at the moment. I haven't written many short stories lately. I have been working on a series of children's supernatural books. One is being passed around various agents as we speak, and the latest is half finished. This week I was on the 'difficult chapter 13.' It was so tough going, I sat at the keyboard each night, really not knowing what I was going to write. Managed to get it done though, albeit as a rough draft... I am aiming to write once a day, you see, and forcing myself to write, rather than spend time on Ciao or watching my box sets of Buffy and Jonathan Creek...